Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I did it!

That's right, I have a cute blog! (Thanks Mel & Liz!) I thought a fall theme would be appropriate. So...what's new?

School is awful, and I can't wait to graduate. I am not looking forward to the job hunt though. Especially because I don't know what I want to do! I may go back to Disney if there is a salaried position. I loved it there, and if I could find something I liked doing there, I could stay forever.

Joey and I are still together (1 1/2 years) and really happy. Being together is more than just romance, we learn a lot about ourselves in the process which is such a wonderful thing.

I am learning to cook! Sort of. I just compile a list of recipes I want to try, and well...try them! So far, so good! We had baseball night last night and had an easy meal of hot dogs and super yummy dip! Thanks Mel, Patty and Julie for eating it! Let's do it again soon! Minus the baseball...STUPID KINRICK! Other than that, Patty has been my guinea pig, so thanks P-dogg! If you have any recipes, PLEASE send them my way!

I'm really more of a baker and my specialty is cupcakes! I love love love them! Especially because they are so cute when you're done. I have a decorating book, and I am going to make penguin ones next!

Other than that....life is good!

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