Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jeopardy music....

Waiting for grades to come out is a pretty awful experience....waiting....waiting....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Are finals over yet?! It's ok, tomorrow at approx. 8 p.m. there will be one more semester under my belt. The next day Joey and I are off to Pismo! A weekend of much needed resting.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Will I ever learn?

Yes, that's right it is 4:45 am, and I have just about finished my 1o page paper on an aspect of early Christianity. Hopefully it isn't too awful...I would definitely like to pass this class. The History & Development of Early Christian Thought...sounds interesting right? Not so much. Sounds ridiculously confusing with WAYYY to many people in power who shared the same name. Get more creative people! Especially, if you are in line to become the next emperor right after your dad Thaddeus the 12th. Maybe next time I will actually do my paper way before the night before it is due? Right, I've already messed that one up. That will be tomorrow night which is 6 pages on an aspect of sociological inequality. Oy vey....until then!

PS Thank goodness for classical music!

PPS Isn't my giant orange fluff monster the cutest when he's sleeping?! He kept me company the whole time! Of course, he doesn't have any other choice when the bedroom door is closed and he is shut in.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Here I go!

I thought I would try to manage one of these things...I'm not very good at keeping up with pictures and such but hopefully this will keep me on track! So, like I I go! Here is a picture of Joey and I at Angels Stadium, where we went on our first date one year ago. Ready? Awww....